فقرات في اللغة الإنجليزية حول الحضارات وضعيات ادماجية عن الحضارات القديمة بالانجليزية مترجمة بالعربية
تعبير كتابي عن حضارة بالانجليزية مترجم بالعربية
وضعيات ادماجية حول الحضارات القديمة بالانجليزية
مرحباً بكم متابعينا الأعزاء طلاب وطالبات العلم في موقع باك نت.baknit الموقع التعليمي المتميز والمتفوق بمنهجية الإجابة الصحيحة والنموذجية من مرحلة التعليم الابتدائي والمتوسط والثانوي bac كما يسرنا بزيارتكم أن نقدم أهم المعلومات والحلول وأفضل الأسئله بإجابتها الصحيحه من شتى المجالات التعلمية من مقرر المناهج التعليمية وكما عودناكم أعزائي الزوار في صفحة موقع باك نت أن نطرح لكم ما تبحثون عنه وهو ....... فقرات في اللغة الإنجليزية حول الحضارات وضعيات ادماجية عن الحضارات القديمة بالانجليزية مترجمة بالعربية
وتكون الإجابة على سؤالكم هي على النحو التالي
فقرات في اللغة الإنجليزية حول الحضارات وضعيات ادماجية عن الحضارات القديمة بالانجليزية
The Contributions of the Egyptian Civilization
• The ancient Egyptians used to build very huge building called "the Pyramids".
They developed their own writing system called "the Hieroglyphies".
• They gave much importance to agriculture and farming.
They used to cultivate different crops along the Nile river.
They gave too much importance to the field of science. They excelled at geometry and astronomy.
• The ancient Egyptians build large cities like: El Giza and Alexandria.
• They made their own calendar.
They were good at monarchy. They used to win all the battles they had with their enemies, and they invaded many other nations.
The Contributions of the Roman Civilization
Ancient Romans were skillful at building. They build very huge cities with high buildings like the Pizza tower. Rome and Coliseum were among the famous Roman cities.
They were good at wars. They used to fight and invade other nations. Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Constantine the Great were well know Roman war leaders who helped in expanding the Roman nation.
• They gave importance to agriculture and farming. They planted many crops. And they used to raise animals for food too.
• They used to trade with other nations like the Greeks and the Egyptians. They were able to build very huge ships which travelled across the Mediterranean sea.
They made their own currency. It was made of gold, silver, and paper. They used in commerce.
The Contributions of the Greek Civilization
■ Ancient Greeks built very large and popular cities like Athens and Sparta. They were developed cities with roads and commercial markets.
# They gave much importance to knowledge and sciences. They built schools, universities, and theaters.
They excelled at philosophy. There were many great philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. They wrote a lot books in philosophy which they were translated to all languages.
■ They were good at maths and geometry. They developed new theories that are still used today. Fithagors and Archimedes were among the famous Greek scholars.
They were the first who found democracy. They used to elect their local responsibles.
The Greek soldiers were so fierce. They were so well trained that they won many battles. Alexander the Great is a famous Greek leader. He invaded Egypt easily with his soldiers.
The Contributions of the Chinese Civilization
. They were the first who invented the paper and ink.
They developed new systems of agriculture and irrigation.
They used to cultivate many types of crops like rise and corn. Also, they build very long canals matching the rivers and the farms.
They were the first who learnt how to make silk.
. They were the first who invented the compass which they used at navigation and travelling.
• The Chinese were good at trading. They built big ships which they used to import and export different materials like paper, silk, rise, and tea.
The Chinese were good at wars too. They were the first who developed the gunpowder.
The Contributions of the Sumerian Civilization
They developed a new system writing called "the Cuneiform"
The Sumerians invented the first wheel.
The set up the calendar, based on the moon, continuing 12 months.
■They developed new systems of irrigation and agriculture.
■ They were very good at monarchy.
They were also good at commerce. They build very large ships that could travel across the rivers.
They excelled at the field of writing poetry. They wrote very long poems like "The Epic of Gilgamesh". They used to describe their kings' adventures and wars.
The Contributions of the Islamic Civilization
Muslim scholars translated the Greek philosophic works into Arabic.
• The Muslims developed new theories in maths and physics.
The scientist "El-Khwarizmi" developed "Al gebra" a new field in maths.
Doctors like Ibn Sina invented curable medicines for many illnesses.
And, they were good at surgery. El-Zahrawi, a Muslim Doctor, was the first doctor in history who made a successful surgical operation.
They excelled in the field of astronomy. There were many scientists like Ibn El- Haythem and El-Razi.
Abbas Ibn Firnes was the first man on earth who could fly in the air successfully. He invented an aircraft.
The Contributions of the
All the ancient civilizations had a great impact on the modern world. They affected positively today's societies with their inventions, technologies, and other ideas in all the life domains. The civilization was one of the most successful nations.
نعرض إنجازات هذه الحضارة
Finally, the ancient people made great contributions to the development of today's society with a number of influential achievements in all the fields of life.
الترجمة بالعربية لفقرات في اللغة الإنجليزية حول الحضارات وضعيات ادماجية عن الحضارات القديمة بالانجليزية مترجمة بالعربية
وهي كالتالى على مربع الاجابة اسفل الصفحة التالية
الترجمة بالعربية لفقرات في اللغة الإنجليزية حول الحضارات وضعيات ادماجية عن الحضارات القديمة بالانجليزية مترجمة بالعربية