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طريقة الاجابة عن اسئلة الامتحان الوطني للباكالوريا اللغة الانجليزية + الدروس المهمة +... BAc 20

باك 2023 2024 المغرب العربي 

مرحباً بكم متابعينا الأعزاء طلاب وطالبات العلم  في موقعنا النورس العربي منبع المعلومات والحلول الذي يقدم لكم أفضل الأسئله بإجابتها الصحيحه من شتى المجالات التعلمية من مقرر المناهج التعليمية  والثقافية ويسعدنا أن نقدم لكم حل السؤال الذي يقول........ طريقة الاجابة عن اسئلة الامتحان الوطني للباكالوريا اللغة الانجليزية + الدروس المهمة +... BAc 20

الإجابة هي كالتالي 

طريقة الاجابة عن اسئلة الامتحان الوطني + الدروس المهمة

1 - Comprehension :

A - WH Questions : 

Answer these questions :

-- انتبه إلى الاداة التي يبتدأ بها السؤال

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ ب : Why فيجب استعمال Because لتوضيح السبب أو so as to لبيان الهدف او الغاية اثناء الاجابة

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ ب How فالإجابة تكون ب : By أو Adverb

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ ب Where فالإجابة تشتمل على ذكر مكان Place

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ ب What فالإجابة تكون بذكر شيء ما Thing

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ ب How many ففي الاجابة نذكر عدد Number أو كلمة تفيد العدد a lot, a few, several

إذا كان السؤال يبدأ ب When فالإجابة تكون باستعمال ظرف زمن أو تحديد زمن حدوث شيء ما.

B - True or False : 

Are these sentences True or False ? Justify

- ينبغي قراءة الجملة بتركيز و الإلمام بالفكرة المعبر عنها ليسهل إيجاد التفسير الجيد

- عند كتابة التعليل يجب كتابته بين مزدوجتين .

C – Word Reference : 

What do the underlined words in the text refer to ?

اذا كان هناك :

I : دائما تعود على المتحدث امراة كانت او رجل لا يهم

He : تعود على المذكر المفرد مثلا , Ahmed , Ali , Ibrahim , .....

She : تعود على المؤنث المفرد , Khadija, Fatiha, Aya, Sara...

It : تعود على غير العاقل المفرد مثلا , Dog , Morocco, Casablanca, Ignorance...

They / Their: تعود على الجمع سواء المذكر او المؤنت او غيرهما , Students , Countries, Cities...

The Country : تعود على دولة ما , Morocco , Spain , United Emirates Arabia...

The year : سنة ما في النص , 1999, 2017 , 2034

Where : تعود على المكان , The Hospital , The House, the street...

The idea : على فكرة وغالبا ماتكون الفكرة التي يتحدث عنها النص

2 – Language :

A – Rewriting sentences :

Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given.

غالبا مايكون في هذا السؤال ثلاثة دروس ( Passive Voice - Conditionals - Reported Speech ) :

1 - Passive Voice :

Passive and Active voice : سوف تكون هناك من بين الثلاثة جمل جمل واحدة تبتدأ في الكلمة المعطاة لنا بالمفعول به مثلا .

الجملة :

Scientists have recently discovered a new vaccine for H1N1.

الكلمة التي طلب منا البدأ بها :

=>> A new vaccine for H1N1.......

اذن فهاته الجملة تخص المبني للمعلوم والمجهول .

2 - Reported Speech :

اما بخصوص Reported Speech فهو واضح وضوح القمر في الليل

ان وجدت الاقواس والنقطتين مثلا في هاته الجملة التالية :

- Ali said : " I learned English at a language center".

=>> Ali said.....

3 - Conditionals :

اذا وجدت هنا If في الجملة فاعلم انها تتحدث عن Conditionals وفي اغلب الاحيان يكون ال Type three.

- Ali had a terrible accident because he didn't stop at the red light.

=>> If Ali....

B – Phrasal verbs : 

هذه مجموعة من ال Phrasal verb التي تتكرر في الامتحانات الوطنية :

Stand for : means

Ex : WHO stands for Word Health Organization

Fill in : to complete

Ex : Fill in the gaps .

Look up : search a word in a dictionary

Ex : When I don’t know the meaning of a word, I look it up.

Apply for : to look for a job.

Ex : Ayoub has recently applied for a job, but he has turned off.

Look after : take care of sth

Ex: Look after your brothers until I get back home.

Take off : to fly ( planes )

Ex: the plane is going to take off at 7:45 am.

Turn down : to reduce the sound of sth

Ex: Could you turn down the music?.

Pick up : Learn smoothly

Ex: Egyptian language is easy to pick up.

Take up : Start doing sth regularly:

Ex : I have recently taken up Football.

Give up : abandon

Ex: Ali gave up smoking at a late age.

Make up : invent stories

Ex : Ibrahim made up a lie so as he could convince his friends about his absence.

Write down : take notes

Ex : The teacher always asks us to write down notes while studying.

Find out : discover

Ex : A new vaccine for H1N1 has been found out.

Keep on : continue

Ex : Why don’t you keep on working on that company although they don’t pay well.

Grow up : become adult

Ex : I grew up in a small village near El Jadida .

Log on : To connect

Ex : Everybody logs on his Facebook account at night.

Set up : Establish

Ex : Our school was set up in 2012.

Break down : Damage

Ex : My little brother broke down my phone but I didn’t punish him.

C – Irregular Verbs :

Be = Been

Get = Got /Gotten

Have = Had

Hear = Heard

Break = Broken

Grow = Grown

Send = Sent

Learn = Learned/learnt

Feel = Felt

Take = Token

Give = Given

Write = Written

Read = Read

See = Seen

D – Relative Clauses :: 

Relative pronouns are

Subject : who which

Object : Whom - which

Possessive : whose

We use who and whom for people, and which for things

we may also use that for people or things


يتغير الضمير relative pronoun المستعمل على حسب الإسم.




إذا كان الإسم إنسانا و هو فاعل


"The woman who came to the party yesterday was my aunt ".




إذا كان الإسم إنسانا و مفعول به


"The person whom you invited yesterday was rude."




لغير العاقل

إذا كان الإسم شيئا او حيوانا

subject and object

"Hicham didn't like the car which he bought two weeks ago."


يتبع في الأسفل تابع ملخصات دروس اللغة الإنجليزية للبكالوريا 

1 إجابة واحدة

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بواسطة (627ألف نقاط)
أفضل إجابة
ملخصات اللغة الإنجليزية للبكالوريا



اذا كان شيء ما في ملكية الفاعل


"The woman whose dress is white is my sister."




إذا كان الإسم يعبر عن مكان

Place :

"The house where we live is nice ."




إذا كان الإسم يدل على الزمان

Time :

" I still remember the day when I had that bad accident "




للدلالة على سبب ما

Reason :

" I don't know the reason why he has divorced his wife."

E – Functions : ( Bilal_Chafi )

بعض العبارات التي نستعمل عند


= Asking for advice طلب نصيحة



What should I do?

What do you advise me to do?

What ought I to do?

Do you think I should …?

Would you advise me to …?


= Giving advice إعطاء نصيحة


.I think you should (not) ….

I’d advise you (not) to …

You ought (not) to …

You’d better (not) …


= Agreeing الموافقة على امر / شيء ما



I entirely agree.

I couldn’t agree more.

That’s a good point.

You’re absolutely right.


= Disagreeing عدم الموافقة



I’m not sure I quite agree.

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

I see what you mean, but …

I don’t think so.


= Giving opinions إبداء رأي



I think/believe (that) …

In my opinion, …

In my view, …

As I see it, …


= Making a request تقديم طلب



Can you … please?

Will you … please?

Would you mind …ing?

Could you possibly …?

I would be grateful if you could …

I wonder if you could …


= Accepting قبول الطلب




Of course.

With pleasure

By all means.


= Refusing رفض الطلب

I’m sorry I can’t.

I’m afraid I can’t.

I’d love to, but …


= Responding to good news الرد على أخبار مفرحة



That’s great/fantastic/wonderful news!

What great/splendid/wonderful news!



= Responding to bad news الرد على اخبار غير مفرحة



That’s awful/terrible!

I’m so sorry to hear that.

You poor thing! What hard luck!


= Complaining تقديم شكوى


.I’m sorry to have to say this but …

I hate to mention this, but …

I’m sorry to bother you , but …

I’m afraid I have a complaint.


= Apologising تقديم اعتذار



I’m awfully/terribly/so sorry.

I didn’t mean to.

I really don’t know what to say.

I apologise; I didn’t do it on purpose.


DEFINING = definition = تقديم تعريف



refer to / by.....we mean / is referred to as / is / are / etc




** The gender gap refers to the differences between men and women.

** The gender gap is referred to as being the differences between men and women.

** By gender gap we mean the differences between men and women.


بواسطة (627ألف نقاط)
CONTRAST = الإشارة الى تباين



but - however - yet - nevertheless - although - even though - despite - in spite of - whereas - etc.




Our district has been short of water for about four months now. . However / But / Yet , nothing has been done about it so far.

Karim takes after his father whereas Rachid takes after his mother.

In spite of / Despite his old age; my grandfather is attending a literacy night school.


CAUSE and EFFECT = السبب و النتيجة



As/Because/Since / Therefore / So / Thus / Consequently / Because of this / As a result / results in / leads to / causes / etc.


** The old man has tripped over a stone. As a result, he has cut his head very badly.


EXPRESSING PURPOSE =التعبير عن هدف وغاية



so as to / in order to / to / so that / in order that / so as not to / in order not to


** He left early so as to / in order to / to avoid traffic jam

** She gave up fatty food so as not to / in order not to put on weight.

** He did his best so that / in order that his parents would be proud of him



ADDITION = الإضافة



And - in addition (to) – as well as – moreover – what’s more – not only…but also – furthermore – besides – also – too – then – etc .

Example :

To be proficient in a foreign language, you need to master its grammar and vocabulary. In addition to this, you need to gain insight into the culture of the people who speak that language.


= Asking for clarification / Expressing misunderstanding طلب توضيح / التعبير عن عدم فهم شيء ما


Excuse me.

I’m afraid ....

I’m sorry But I don’t really don’t understand whet you mean.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean.

Can you explain more what you are aiming at


EXPRESSING REGRET = التعبير عن ندم و أسف



I wish / if only I had worked hard

I should have worked hard.


EXPRESSING CERTAINTY = التعبير عن يقين وحقيقة



I am sure/ certain our team will win the football match tomorrow.

There is no doubt our team will win the football match tomorrow.

Our teaù will certainly / undoubtedly / surely win the football match tomorrow.

اسئلة متعلقة

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مرحبًا بك إلى موقع باك نت، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.